Thursday, October 15, 2009

Half Marathon Check up and the Training Plan

Hey everyone! Thanks for hanging in there with me through this whole process. I know I have been a little slow to update, but the training is still going strong, especially since I called in reinforcements! But more on that later.

First, I have to give you a rundown of how the half-marathon went that I ran at the beginning of this month. On October 4th I ran the inaugural 13.1 Half-Marathon here in Atlanta - right by my apartment actually! It started at Oglethorpe University, ran through some Brookhaven neighborhoods, up to Chamblee, and actually on some of the same running paths and parks that I train in every day! All in all I thought it was a really nice course!

Before, I get into how I ran I need to let everyone know that I actually have a coach now! Ok, coach might be pushing it, but my good friend Trey Bailey (yes the same one who jinxed me with the year of the injury, don't worry I forgave him, lol) crafted a training plan for me that will hopefully get me to that 26.2! I'll be honest for someone that had never run farther than 13.1 miles in a race and really about 11 in a training run, the long distance runs were getting harder as I got up and over that double digit mark. So, after a particularly depressing long run, I called in the reinforcements. Trey first had me make sure I ran every single day for a 2 week period about 5 miles a day at an easy pace. I had been running about 4 times a week, but I would have biking days in there to to keep the stress off my legs. However, I think not running every single day affected my ability to stretch out my longer runs. So, for the 2 weeks prior to the half marathon I did not have any long distance runs or any real training runs, so I was a little nervous. I started out running pretty slow, about 8:30 pace to make sure I didn't die during the race. At about the 6 mile mark, however, I ran past the best fans in the world: Sarah, Matt, Mary, and my dad. At that point the course turned onto the paths I was used to running during training anyway and I started to slowly pick up the pace. I averaged under 7:30 the rest of the way! I felt great! I actually just missed a new half-marathon PR by 6 seconds!! I thought it was pretty awesome considering how much I paced myself in the beginning and how nervous I felt going in!

Now, that I have returned to stretching my distances and doing workouts, Trey's plan has been great. I think has really helped me to have a set distance and goal for every day I run. Before I was basically coming up with the runs and workouts on my own with no real rhyme or reason, other than the fact that I needed to run longer. Now I feel focused and I am ready to for that 26.2!

Below is my training plan, so if you happen to see me on some of the longer days, wish me luck!


1 Robert's Plan Max Weekly Mileage 40
3 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday % Total
4 8 II 10/4/09 13.1 (Race) OFF 6 Easy (9:27) OFF 6 (Quality Workout) 6 Easy (9:27) OFF 90% 36 Pace Chart
5 Easy E 0:09:17 0:09:27
6 13.1 36% 13.1 Marathon M 0:08:06 0:08:15
7 7 10/11/09 12 (Marathon) 3 Easy (9:27) 3 Easy (9:27) OFF 7.5 Easy (9:27) 3 Easy (9:27) OFF 70% 28 Tempo T 0:07:25 0:07:42
8 Interval I 0:06:50 0:07:00
9 0% 0 Rep R 0:06:34 0:06:46
10 6 III 10/18/09 10 (Quality Workout) 5 Easy (9:27) 8 Easy (9:27) OFF 10.5 (Quality Workout) 7 Easy (9:27) OFF 100% 40
12 0% 0
13 5 10/25/09 20 (Marathon) 3 Easy (9:27) OFF OFF 10.5 (Quality Workout) 3 Easy (9:27) OFF 90% 36
15 0% 0
16 4 11/1/09 14 Easy (9:27) 5 Easy (9:27) 6 Easy (9:27) OFF 10.5 (Quality Workout) 5 Easy (9:27) OFF 100% 40
18 0% 0
19 3 IV 11/8/09 11 (Quality Workout) OFF 6 Easy (9:27) OFF 10.5 (Quality Workout) 5 Easy (9:27) OFF 80% 32
21 0% 0
22 2 11/15/09 12 (Marathon) OFF 6 Easy (9:27) OFF 6 (Quality Workout) OFF 8 Easy (9:27) 80% 32
24 0% 0
25 1 11/22/09 6 Easy (9:27) 3 Easy (9:27) OFF 20 min Easy RACE DAY 20 min Easy OFF
28 11/29/09

I have to admit I was a little worried about it before I started. I had gotten my mileage up to about 12 about 2 weeks out, but with work and school kicking into high gear I had not been able to put in the same amount of mileage

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